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Student Behavioral Ethics & Guidelines

Ibn Haldun University has determined the conduct procedures and principles of students as follows. Students must be familiar with the Procedures and Principles included in this regulation and valid during their university education. The University's Code of Conduct aims to ensure that all students continue their education under safe and fair conditions throughout their university education and to provide an environment in which they are free.

When violations of the code of conduct occur, the University will treat each violation as a serious and significant problem, because each violation disrupts the individual lives of students and the peace of the common life of the Ibn Haldun University community. The University's expectation from each student, whether on campus, off-campus or newly-registered, is to behave responsibly as required by their age.

The Code of Conduct may not clearly state all types of misconduct or behavior, so we expect students to use common sense at all times.

Students of Ibn Haldun University are responsible, respectful and understanding members of society and should act on this basis.

Discrimination and Harassment

Discrimination based on race, color, religion, national origin, age, ancestry, disability or any other basis protected by law is against the principles and policies of Ibn Haldun University. Ibn Haldun University aims to create a safe and free learning environment free of harassment and discrimination. Accordingly, it is prohibited to subject a person to any marginalization behavior based on his marital status, race, colour, ethnic or national origin, age, physical or mental disability, religion or legally protected rights. The university will not tolerate any discrimination or harassment (including sexual violence and assault) within the campus. Disciplinary rules will be applied when necessary.

Sexual harassment

All sexually explicit behavior that violates a person's sexual freedom and is not based on consent, carried out verbally, through body language or any means of communication, is sexual harassment. Talking words, making unwanted sexual conversations, blowing kisses, sharing sexual content, etc. behaviors are examples of sexual harassment.

Sexual violence is the use of sexuality as a tool of violence to control, control, humiliate, humiliate and punish.

Sexual assault is any behavior that violates a person's physical immunity, such as handling, touching, or hugging without his or her consent. Penetration or similar coercion is just one type of sexual assault. Any unwanted contact constitutes sexual assault.

In cases explained above (sexual harassment, sexual violence, sexual assault), the university is stated in the YÖK student disciplinary regulations; It has the authority to impose penalties such as suspension from school for two semesters or termination of the student's relationship with the institution. (For detailed information, YÖK disciplinary legislation: https://www.resmigazete.gov.tr/eskiler/2023/02/20230209-1.htm)

Dating Violence and Insistence

Dating violence is behavior that includes physical, sexual, psychological, social and digital violence within a dating relationship. It is the act of one of the parties dominating, controlling and applying power over the other person by using violence against the other person.

Stalking is persistently being watched and followed by a lover or anyone else. Stalking behavior aims to instill fear, intimidate and make people feel insecure.

Your ex-lover or friend coming to the house, school, or the person's place without notice or invitation, appearing in front of the person, constantly giving gifts, flowers, etc. Receiving or sending messages, communicating through friends, and trying to obtain information about the person are examples of persistent stalking behavior.

Necessary disciplinary decisions are taken against people who engage in dating violence and persistent stalking.

Psychological Violence

If emotional power or needs are used as a means of harming a person in order to control, humiliate, humiliate or punish that person, "psychological violence" is being used.

Unlike physical violence, psychological violence is more difficult to describe and determine its boundaries. Psychological violence; It includes all the behavioral patterns that a person or group uses against a specific person to psychologically defeat the person and disrupt their cognitive-intellectual skills.

Behaviors such as mocking, excluding, humiliating, ignoring, making one feel inadequate, and making one feel unimportant are among the most common examples of psychological violence.

Psychological violence sometimes causes more damage to people than physical violence and can cause long-term damage. It can cause many psychological problems such as stress, depression and anxiety in victims.

A person exposed to psychological violence may feel helpless, on a path with no way out. Even though they are victims of violence, they feel guilty.

After a while, the individual exposed to psychological violence; Symptoms such as loneliness, fear, lack of self-confidence, restlessness and extreme tension begin to appear regularly. If emotional violence continues for a long time, the person may experience psychological diseases such as post-traumatic stress disorder and acute stress disorder.

Necessary disciplinary decisions are taken against people who commit psychological violence.

Physical Violence

"Physical violence" occurs when physical power or superiority is used as a means of violence to control, control, humiliate, humiliate or punish the person designated as the target.

Punching, slapping, biting, strangling, kicking, stabbing, throwing a chair at the head are examples of violence that involves physical contact.

Shouting, threatening with a fist, looking frighteningly, kicking the door, breaking objects, not allowing people to go to the doctor when they have health problems are examples of forms of violence that are used to intimidate people by using physical superiority.

Necessary disciplinary decisions are taken against people who commit physical violence.


Ibn Haldun University considers alcohol, drug and technology addictions as diseases that cannot be easily solved with personal efforts and may require professional help and treatment.

Students, academicians or university employees who have alcohol, drug or technology addiction problems are informed and encouraged to benefit from the psychological counseling and infirmary services provided by the university.


Psychological violence occurring in the workplace manifests itself as "mobbing".

Mobbing; It means harassing the other person, disturbing them, putting excessive pressure on them and causing distress.

The person who is a victim of mobbing may be constantly interrupted in the work environment and obstacles may be placed in front of him/her from performing his/her duties. He is constantly exposed to criticism and blame.

Mobbing; by abusing existing power or position; It can be described as an emotional attack that systematically manifests itself in the form of psychological violence, oppression, siege, harassment, humiliation and threats.

It starts with the person being the target of disrespectful and harmful behavior; It is when the employer forces the other person to leave the job by creating an aggressive environment that includes lowering the social reputation of the other person through insinuations and ridicule. It is done deliberately with the aim of excluding people from business life, regardless of age, gender or race.

Necessary disciplinary decisions are taken against people who practice mobbing.